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Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria in ADHD with Bill Dodson
Welcome back to Part 2 of my discussion with Dr. Bill Dodson on Emotional Dysregulation and Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria in ADHD. We are continuing our discussion of last week on this important aspect of ADHD which has been left out of the “official” definitions of ADHD and is only now gaining the attention it deserves. I believe it is the part of ADHD which causes the most distress to people with ADHD and all those in relationships with them. But there is hope! Listen and learn!
Emotional Dysregulation in ADHD
Today Dr. David Pomeroy speaks with Dr. Bill Dodson about Emotional Dysregulation in ADHD. Emotional Dysregulation and Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria are important aspects of ADHD which have been left out of the “official” definitions and are only now gaining the attention they deserve.
This is part one of a two- part series addressing two issues that cause a tremendous amount of distress to people with ADHD as well as those in relationships with them. There is hope! Listen and learn!
Depression and ADHD - Part 2 (with Dr. Bill Dodson)
This episode continues the discussion about depression and ADHD, moving into bipolar disorder and ADHD. Some people have both, sorting that out is important as the bipolar disorder needs to be treated before the ADHD. My guest is Dr. Bill Dodson, a psychiatrist who is one of the pioneers in treating adult ADHD starting 20 years ago. He has moved on from direct patient care to writing and consulting. He has written many articles for ADDitude magazine and does Webinars with them as well. Join us for Part 2 !
Depression and ADHD
Have you ever been told diagnosed with depression, either before or after your ADHD diagnosis? Depression commonly travels along with ADHD and sometimes can be confused with it. They each complicate the other; it is important to make the distinction to treat each one successfully.
Sometimes the depression derives from the impairments of ADHD and treating the ADHD first is the key resolving the depression. If the depression includes thoughts or plans of suicide then certainly it needs to be addressed first.
Slow Processing Speed - What to do?
Second installment on processing speed – What can you do about it and how can you help your child? Ellen Braaten, PhD of Harvard Medical School and Executive Director of LEAP (Learning and Educational Assessment Program) at Massachusetts General Hospital, author of Bright Kids Who Can’t Keep Up, joins me again to discuss this condition which can be part of ADHD and/or Learning Disorders. Listen and Learn!
Slow Processing Speed
“So that’s why my son takes so long to get ready for school, every single day, no matter what I say.” “She never remembers half of what I ask her to do, it’s easy things too.” “He can do his multiplication tables fine at home but he is slowest in class on the 3 minute tests at school.” Does this sound familiar? Slow processing speed may be the problem. Often a part of ADHD but it can also be the primary issue instead of ADHD.
My guest today is Dr. Ellen Braaten, Associate Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School, Executive Director of LEAP (Learning and Educational Assessment Program) at Massachusetts General Hospital, author ofBright Kids Who Can’t Keep Up, and an expert in the field of processing speed, ADHD and LD.
Slow Processing Speed
- what is it?
- how does it show up at home and school ?
- how can you as a parent best help your child succeed?
Join us! Listen and Learn !
Cannabis and ADHD
Cannabis/weed/marijuana – it’s everywhere. It is legal for adult use with no restrictions in 11 states, for “medicinal” (sic) use in 34 states. And it affects brain development in teens and even into 20s because the brain doesn’t become fully mature until age 25 – and later for an ADHD-affected brain. Regular use as an adolescent has permanent negative effects which result in altered brain capabilities…FOR LIFE. That will become increasingly evident as the current teen users get into their 20s and 30s, but it has been shown even now. How many teens really use that much, enough to cause life-altering problems? As of 2017 DAILY users – 1.3 % of 8th , 4.8% of 10th, and 6.4% of High School seniors !! 36% of HS seniors had used weed at all in the previous year. And those numbers are increasing every year. The number of users vaping (smoking a refined concentrated liquid form of cannabis) DOUBLED from 2017 to 2018.
My guest this week is an expert in this subject, Roberto Olivardia, a psychologist in the Boston area with a private practice who also holds a part-time teaching position at Harvard Medical School. We discuss the scope of use of cannabis, how it affects brain development and why using it is attractive to teens, especially anyone with anxiety, ADHD, depression, poor school grades etc. Roberto also outlines what parents can do to help their children learn how to deal with all the influences encouraging cannabis use which they will encounter as they enter and go through teen-age years. Listen and Learn!