Why do we ADHDers (which includes myself) toss one task aside and choose to do another? Why are some of us usually arriving late to meetings, dates, dinner at home? What we call Procrastination and Poor Time Management may actually have foundations in a different aspect of ADHD, Self-awareness. The strategies for changing those symptoms/habits is different than other proposed solutions when seen through the lens of Self-awareness.
My guest today is Jeff Copper, an ADHD Coach certified by both the International Coaching Federation and the Professional Association of ADHD Coaches. You can catch his programs on Attention Talk Radio and Attention Talk Video, as well as at www.digcoaching.com. Jeff founded his Dig Coaching Practice in 2007 to help clients with ADHD dig through the usual frames of reference for symptoms down to the foundational issues. When his clients have what Jeff terms the “Aha !” moment, they have gained a different perspective on the problem, which then enables them to approach it from a different angle.
Join us as we examine how you can make it easier to resume “the flow“of the thought process of doing one task when it has been interrupted by – a noise/person with question/thoughts triggered by the details of the task/thoughts wandering to the weekend. Listen, and learn!
Watch and listen to these other platforms:
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ph/podcast/a-fresh-perspective-on-executive-functions/id1359949151?i=1000622224444
Experts&Authors.tv: https://expertsandauthors.tv/programs/adhd-jeff-copper-a-fresh-perspective-on-exec-fn-6-29-23-vid1-6d0035?category_id=148758