Here's the scoop on Dr. Pomeroy aka Doc4ADHD
I started my practice, ADD Center of Bellevue, in 2005 when Primary Care medicine became a “have a second problem, make another appointment” endeavor. I had never practiced medicine that way and never will. I already had the interest in ADHD, I had been diagnosed with ADHD in 2001 so I knew the frustration and the hope of dealing with it, I had a mentor – a doctor experienced in ADHD who was open to helping me get started – and the sign in the waiting room was the nudge I needed to jump into it.
What do I bring to the equation? 45+ of medical practice after the 7 years of medical school and residency training in Family Medicine, extensive knowledge about the specialty field of ADHD and that of general medicine, and the experience that comes with having seen over 3000 patients since 2005 for diagnosis and management of ADHD and co-occurring conditions. And most important, a passion for the practice of medicine, applying my knowledge, training, and experience.
I see many examples of misunderstanding or ignoring ADHD every day, and how that affects my patients. Schools, colleges, workplace Human Resources and management staff, clinicians in medical practice, parents, relatives and often the person in front of me, the patient. The person who has had to deal with all the negative opinions people have burdened them with – you don’t try hard enough, you’re just stupid, you should do …, you are not living up to your potential, you won’t ever amount to anything…blah, blah, blah. Folks with ADHD are depressed, anxious, they know they want to pay attention, get things done on time, organize the kitchen, closet, files. And they know that trying harder doesn’t work. If it did the problem would have been solved long ago. They know something is not right, that they are different from other people but they don’t know why or what it is.
Why this website and new business entity?
I want to share my accumulated knowledge and expertise to help that to happen.
david Pomeroy, MD- country doc at Heart
To dispel myth-information about ADHD which abounds in public media and in the minds of clinicians, health care professionals and many other folks, by providing accurate, reliable and timely information about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) aka Attention Difference Dysfunction
People with ADHD are treated with respect for the qualities of their thinking processes which are different than others, have resources available to learn how to nourish the unique abilities they have, and valued for the contributions they make to society and the human condition.
- Listen with intent to understand
- Respect Practice-based Evidence and Evidence-based Practice
- Treat others as I would like to be treated
- Every person is worthy just for having been born
No information on this site is intended to replace advice of your primary ADHD clinician nor to be applied to any specific patient situation except if done so by your clinician. Please discuss any changes you would like to make to your/your child’s treatment plan directly with your ADHD clinician.