What can you be doing now to enable you to live into the vision you have for your future?
Yeah, I know. “Future? I have a tough time keeping me in line with tomorrow much less years away.” “Future? I’ll deal with it when I get there. And don’t you DARE say the word “plan”! That’s a dirty word!”
Guess what? Even though you may not want to admit it, you do have at least a nebulous vision of what you would like to be doing 5,10,30 years from now – depending on whether you are 60, 50 or 30 years of age (or are 65 and think of yourself as 30 years of age!). How are you gonna get there?
My guest is David DeWitt, a registered financial planner who resisted his ADHD diagnosis from High School until his “ADHD Awakening” in 2021 . He has since turned his life direction into helping ADHDers like you and I tackle the Mt. Everest of money management, planning for the future. Check out his podcast ADHD Money Talk and his website adhdmoneytalk.com. Listen and learn!