Targeting ADHD

ADHD Focus – Help for parents of the ADHD child

Parenting an ADHD child takes parenting to a new level way beyond the usual parenting challenges. You are now playing in the big leagues, so having a coach to guide you is a necessity, not an option. The best foundation for building a healthy child and healthy family relationships is effective parenting, which with ADHD children often runs counter to usual parenting efforts. With coaching you can prevent problems which can develop in the future and take much more work as a parent and family to cope with.

My guest on this show is Elaine Taylor-Klaus, an ADHD Coach “and a Mom in a family of 5 ADHDers”. She is a co-founder of ImpactADHD, an online parent training program for parents of children with ADHD, and of Sanity School, an online parent training program for parents of kids with behavior problems, regardless of diagnosis.  We will talk about the importance of parent coaching; all parents want the best for their child but it can be difficult to figure out how to get there. This show will point you in the right direction!


See her websites for further details.   and

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