Targeting ADHD

ADHD Focus – Social Learning for ADHD Kids with Anna Vagin, PhD

How can kids learn to identify their feelings, and to read social cues to identify how others are feeling? Feelings are facts to the one doing the feeling, and many are uncomfortable or scary; what tools can one use to cope with them?  My guest today is Anna Vagin, PhD, a Speech and Language Pathologist, whose work in the past 30 years has been in the field of social learning. She has developed a process by which kids can learn about emotions – their own and those of others – and how to deal with them.  YouTube videos! Who knew there were good ones out there!

Her website is , she is on Twitter  @anna_vagin and her first book is YouCue  FEELINGS, Using Online Videos for Social Learning.

I think you will find this a fascinating topic, one which every parent, child, teacher, and all the rest of us can use to improve our social awareness. Listen and learn !!