Targeting ADHD

Beyond High School with Patricia Quinn MD

Here are more answers to the FAQs on the “High School to ‘after’ transition” for students and families dealing with ADHD – a parent’s role is coach, not player; what teens wish parents had done to help the transition; important facts about medications at college. Dr. Theresa Maitland returns to discuss these topics and more.

She has over 45 years of counseling/coaching experience in this field. She has co-authored 2 books with Patricia Quinn MD – Ready for Takeoff, Preparing Your Teen for the Transition from High School to College for parents, and On Your Own, College Readiness Guide for Teens with ADHD/LD. Her work as one of the first professionals doing ADHD coaching with students has grown to include families as well. She is open to receiving questions by email at In this show we continue our discussion on the best ways to prepare adolescents and their parents for the move to what comes after High School. Listen and learn!