Targeting ADHD

Coping with Covid, Summer (and Fall) with Dr Sharon Saline

Everyone is asking, how do we cope with the summer of COVID? Usual activities are gone, everyone in the family is on edge, we can’t see friends or other family…HELP! 

Help is on the way, and it’s here. My guest is Dr. Sharon Saline*, psychologist extraordinaire, author of the book What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew and the just released card deck ADHD Solutions. Building upon the outline she developed for a webinar with ADDitude magazine ( ) we discuss strategies to help the family deal with the anxiety and lack of certainty resulting from the way COVID-19 has affected our lives. Establish a daily routine, weekly family meetings to sort things out, self-care to fill your tank up again and maintain resilience in the face of the multiple challenges of the COVID Summer (and coming soon, COVID Fall the Sequel) and other practical approaches to reducing stress while coping with the uncertainties we all face. Listen and learn! 

Preview – 

  • How to set up smart daily routines and long-term plans
  • How to deal with mental health issues related to COVID-19 (such as feelings of anxiety, hopelessness, and anger)
  • How to go with the flow in a world without answers
  • How limit screen time without arguments
  • How to foster social contact that’s safe and appropriate
  • How to solve childcare challenges
  • How to take care of ourselves and what self-care really looks like

*Dr. Saline can be found at: