Have you ever tried to sort through programs and apps to find which one might help your child with ADHD and/or LD do better in school?
Which ones are included in programs you probably have like MS Word or Google Docs?
Are there others that aren’t too costly and have proven value?
My guest this show is Dr. Brian Friedlander, Associate Professor of Education at the College of St. Elizabeth in Morristown, NJ. He teaches graduate programs in assistive technology (AT), has co-authored the book Engaging the Resistant Child Through Computers as well as several laminated reference guides to AT in a variety of formats. His blog can be found at assistivetek.blogspot.com. Join us for a whirlwind tour of AT for students with ADHD and LD challenges. Listen and Learn!
For quick referral – here are some of the apps and programs suggested by Dr. Friedlander.
Closing the gap: https://www.closingthegap.com/
Don Johnston: https://learningtools.donjohnston.com/support/product-resources/
Mathpad 2.0: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/mathpad/id435087400
Mathline Abacus: https://www.howbrite.com/