Targeting ADHD

Master ADHD Now with Nic McLoughlin

“I can’t be late for work again! Where are my keys?” “Mom, where are my baseball shoes?” “It’s past midnight again, and I have that 7am meeting”. Do any of these sound familiar? Getting up earlier to get to work on time won’t work; setting a routine, a habit of where you put the keys when you get home will work.

Value your time more than anything else. More than your income, more than your rank in your profession, more than anything. That widens your perspective and can provide the motivation to change your daily system, your routines and habits.

My guest today is Nic McLaughlin, ADHD and Executive Function coach. He started MasterADHDNow to help improve the lives of ADHDers and others struggling with ASDFAKP. Over 1000 clients have found his methods enabled them to get more done more efficiently, saving the time and not wasting energy in the amount of effort it took to get through a day at work or a day at home., Nic’s website, has free outlines and guides to habit setting, banishing procrastination and more. Join us, listen and learn!