Why do people pick at their skin, pull out their hair, pop zits for fun? Is it part of ADHD? Can it become a part of someone’s ADHD? Can it be from ADHD medications? Answers are in this show!
My guest is Roberto Olivardia, a psychologist in private practice in Lexington MA and lecturer at Harvard Medical School, and an expert in many of the conditions which accompany ADHD. Skin-picking, nose-picking, scab-pulling, pulling hairs out – all variations on the same thing: there exists a compulsion to do it and a feeling of relief after doing it.
Many aspects of the way the ADHD brain processes sensations and rewards make these behaviors easy for us to start unconsciously then they take on a life of their own. How does one stop the habit? Listen up, the solutions are also in the show! Listen, and learn!