“My 9th grader needs help, she can’t get organized, her grades are failing, she is depressed, and I don’t know how to help her.”
“Why does it take you so long to get your homework done? You can do better than that.”
“How can I help my son? He won’t listen to me?”
Do any of these questions sound familiar?
My guest today is Michelle Raz, a board-certified ADHD coach and co-founder of Thrivister, a company which provides executive function support and development for high school and college students.
We will be exploring how academic coaching works to help develop the executive function skills those of us with ADHD need not only to succeed in school but beyond that in our jobs and careers, and out personal lives. Coaching provides what therapy and tutoring do not, the missing piece (though each of the others may be helpful as well). Learn by listening now. Listen, and Learn!
Watch and listen to these other platforms:
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ph/podcast/academic-coaching-with-michelle-raz/id1359949151?i=1000616864681
Experts&Authors.tv: https://expertsandauthors.tv/programs/adhd-focus-michelle-raz?category_id=148758