Welcome to the inaugural Video production of ADHD Focus, available on YouTube at ADHD Focus Kristin Swanson 32323.
And coming soon to Roku and Firestick! The audio podcast of course remains available on most podcast channels.
Do you know your ADHD-related strengths? So many of the resources for ADHDers talk about strategies to address weaknesses in our ADHD function, “impairments” to work on, how to get ahead of our deficits. But we have strengths too, ways that our brains work which neurotypicals do not have.
Are you often frozen in perfectionism and/or shame which lead to one of the forms of procrastination? (*raises his hand…me*)
Can you recognize instances when boundaries on “want to” get in the way of “have to” and “need to” tasks/activities?
My guest today is Kristin Swanson, coach and consultant, expert in helping her clients how to get their “someday when I…” projects done. As a breast cancer survivor, Kristin learned the importance of getting out of one’s own way and how to stop waiting until “someday” to make a unique impact. Realizing deeply that “you only live once,” she has gained perspective, tools and strategies to overcome the illusions which fear instills in us.
Kristin earned a BA degree in business, received Co-Active Coaches Institute training, and has two decades of business leadership, strategy & operations experience. Learn more at https://www.kristinswansonconsulting.com.
Download Kristin’s free Make it Happen Planner here.
Watch and listen to these other platforms:
Experts&Authors.tv: https://expertsandauthors.tv/programs/adhd-focus-kristen-swanson?category_id=148758