Targeting ADHD

Brent Newton of myOwl

Do you: 

  • flounder in the maze of school apps and programs simply to find your child’s assignments, or where to turn them in, or how they are doing in the class? 
  • Have heated discussions about missing assignments which leave both of you upset, frustrated, and hurt? 
  • Watch your child become overwhelmed, frustrated, anxious, or depressed struggling every day with this mess, or worse, just give up on school?

You need to hear and/or watch this show!! A solution is at hand! 

Brent Newton is CEO and co-founder, along with his 12 year-old daughter, of myOwl, a program which integrates all apps and programs used by a school into one easy-access point which shows all assignments in all classes on the same page.

myOwl  does all of this: 

  • ALL classes on one dashboard;
  • Daily progress tracker on all assignments due that day;
  • Rewards for completing/submitting assignments, these can be redeemed for stickers and avatars to customize the Dashboard;
  • Parent view includes ALL of your children, see the Dashboard for each one from one login;
  • Teachers continue using the same apps and programs they use now;
  • And more coming!

Join us to discover a major advancement in making schools family-friendly online! Listen and learn!

All podcast content is copyright TargetingADHD LLC; if you download a podcast episode please include that statement of copyright with any re-posting or publication of the episode.