What if I don’t like what I chose in college? Where can I get some practical experience and discover my true interests? I have many interests, do I have to choose just one and leave the others behind? In this show my guest Rick Green and I discuss these questions and more.
Rick is the creative mind behind TotallyADD.com, which has grown from their first video/documentary “ADD and Loving It?!” in 2010 to many more documentary-style shows addressing all aspects of ADHD. He and a colleague in the comedy business started the TV show “The Red Green Show” which ran for 12 seasons on Canadian TV and can still be seen in syndication on many PBS stations in the US. His college degree is in Physics. Following one’s passions and interests can result in a career vastly different than the college degree, as Rick and so many others have found.
First step? Accept your ADHD, don’t fight it. Then learn to know your strengths and play to those. Develop your interests, meet your challenge areas with support systems and strategies, and be open to whatever comes along. You can have a rewarding career and life while using your ADHD as an advantage. Listen, and learn!