Targeting ADHD


Girls on the Autism Spectrum — “the something else”

Do you feel that the treatments for your child’s ADHD and co-occurring Anxiety and/or Learning Disorders and/or Depression are not working for …something else but you don’t know what? That there are signs – behaviors, meltdowns, struggles with friends – that things are not yet OK, that something is being missed. You are totally spent by the end of each day, your house is a mess, you have given up seeing friends – in order that you can put 100% of your time and energy into helping your child. 

Maybe this is not your struggle, but you see this going on in a friend, or a relative, or a neighbor, or co-worker.

My guest today is Elaine Taylor-Klaus, founder of IMPACTparents, author of The Essential Guide to raising Complex Kids, Master Certified Coach, and parent to four neurodivergent children. Her experiences, personal and professional, have led her to believe that the “something else” for many girls (and women) is Autism Spectrum Disorder. 

Join us as we discuss the clues, the behaviors, the symptoms that suggest an evaluation for ASD is in order; the role that parents play and how critical it is that parents get coaching in how to parent these exceptional children, it is the single most-important thing they can do to help their child. Parents need validation, recognition that the difficulties they face every day are way beyond the norm of parenting challenges AND that they are not alone. Many families are in the same struggle.

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Cannabis and ADHD

Cannabis/weed/marijuana – it’s everywhere. It is legal for adult use with no restrictions in 11 states, for “medicinal” (sic) use in 34 states.  And it affects brain development in teens and even into 20s because the brain doesn’t become fully mature until age 25 – and later for an ADHD-affected brain. Regular use as an adolescent has permanent negative effects which result in altered brain capabilities…FOR LIFE.  That will become increasingly evident as the current teen users get into their 20s and 30s, but it has been shown even now. How many teens really use that much, enough to cause life-altering problems?  As of 2017  DAILY users – 1.3 % of 8th ,  4.8% of 10th, and  6.4% of High School seniors !!  36% of HS seniors had used weed at all in the previous year. And those numbers are increasing every year. The number of users vaping (smoking a refined concentrated liquid form of cannabis) DOUBLED from 2017 to 2018. 

My guest this week is an expert in this subject, Roberto Olivardia, a psychologist in the Boston area with a private practice who also holds a part-time teaching position at Harvard Medical School. We discuss the scope of use of cannabis, how it affects brain development and why using it is attractive to teens, especially anyone with anxiety, ADHD, depression, poor school grades etc.  Roberto also outlines what parents can do to help their children learn how to deal with all the influences encouraging cannabis use which they will encounter as they enter and go through teen-age years. Listen and Learn!  

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Stop The Battles – Penny Williams

Have you ever felt like dealing with your ADHD child is a never-ending series of battles?

Homework, chores, screen time … only a few of the possible sticking points. There is hope!

My guest this week is Penny Williams, author of 4 books** on parenting ADHD and ASD children, developer of an online Parent Training course – 8 sessions go-at-your-own-pace – in which parents learn the different mindset needed to be the best parent to their child with a different-than-usual mind. Kids in tantrum mode are not out to give you a hard time, they are having a hard time…and they don’t know how to make it better. You as a parent can learn how to teach them, and yourself, to do exactly that – stop the battles and move into a more peaceful enjoyable family life. Listen and learn! 

** Boy Without Instructions – her first, chronicling how she developed her own ways of working with her ADHD son and  Hidden Layers of ADHD – the most recent of the four. 

Her website is ; This has details on her Parent Training course, her blogs and descriptions of her books.  Find Penny and her books on Amazon here.

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