Have you been asking yourself these questions: “The treatments we have been doing help but it’s still a struggle every day, is it this hard for all parents?” “We think there is more going on than just ADHD (or) Anxiety (or) Autism Spectrum issues, where can we find help to figure that out?” “I know the doctor is trying hard but something is missing.” Have these thoughts occurred to you about your child? You are not alone. As many as 80% (or more) of people with ADHD have another condition which impairs the lives of their parents/siblings/co-workers (or all of them) and of course their own experiences in navigating the demands and stresses of reaching adulthood.
My guest today is Elaine Taylor-Klaus, author, educator, Master coach, and parent in a family of 5 ADHD++ people (including herself). Born out of her frustration, curiosity and determination she co-founded IMPACTparents in 2011, providing parent coaching using an online group approach. This has since expanded to many educational and coaching programs for parents of complex kids. Check them out at www.IMPACTparents.com . Her latest book, The Essential Guide to Raising Complex Kids, outlines in detail the steps parents can take as they guide their child(ren) to self-management by the end of their teen years, regardless of how many “official” diagnoses they have. It is a superb resource, as are the parent coaching programs presented by IMPACTparents**.
Our discussion starts with the challenges of identifying girls with the Inattentive type of ADHD who are also on the Autism Spectrum, then branches into the areas of behavioral clues parents can identify which suggest that their child has more than just one thing going on, that it’s not just Anxiety, or ADHD, or incompetent kid, or intelligent but can’t fit in. We explore how parents can educate themselves in this area and also how they can offer information to clinicians who for many reasons have not diagnosed every condition present. There are no simple answers. You can learn what questions to ask and where to get help in parenting your child. Listen and learn!
**Please note: I do not receive any money from IMPACTparents in connection with mentioning the program on ADHD Focus. Dr. Pomeroy