Targeting ADHD

Stop the Battles with Penny Williams

Have you ever felt like dealing with your ADHD child is a never-ending series of battles?

Homework, chores, screen time … only a few of the possible sticking points. There is hope!

My guest this week is Penny Williams, author of 4 books** on parenting ADHD and ASD children, developer of an online Parent Training course – 8 sessions go-at-your-own-pace – in which parents learn the different mindset needed to be the best parent to their child with a different-than-usual mind. Kids in tantrum mode are not out to give you a hard time, they are having a hard time…and they don’t know how to make it better. You as a parent can learn how to teach them, and yourself, to do exactly that – stop the battles and move into a more peaceful enjoyable family life. Listen and learn! 

** Boy Without Instructions – her first, chronicling how she developed her own ways of working with her ADHD son and  Hidden Layers of ADHD – the most recent of the four. 

Her website is ; This has details on her Parent Training course, her blogs and descriptions of her books.  Find Penny and her books on Amazon here.