ADHD – What does it mean and how do you deal with it? From diagnosis to treatment, ADHD Focus will explore all aspects of ADHD. The latest research, trends and interpretations will be discussed with prominent experts in the field.
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Copyright: All podcast content is copyright TargetingADHD LLC; if you download a podcast episode please include that statement of copyright with any re-posting or publication of the episode.
Latest Episodes
Daydreaming. Spacing out. Moving slowly, takes a long time to do anything. Always tired, even if they got a good night’s sleep. They can focus, get chores and homework done, it just takes them such a long time. This is a description of a child with Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome,…
Which assignment do I work on now? Which is more important? When is that one due? These are questions every High School and college student has to answer every day. What if there was an app that consolidated all of those answers into a single list “do these today” and…
If anyone had doubts about whether my guest or I have ADHD, in this episode of ADHD Focus we provided decisive proof that indeed we do. In a wide-ranging discussion we touched on girls/women with ADHD, student struggles with ADHD, the shame experienced by women with ADHD due to impossible-to-meet societal expectations…